Principal's Message

Our School

Regina St. Alternative has a student population of approximately 190 students. Our students reflect a diverse learning community and reside in a wide variety of communities located in the West region of Ottawa. They come from a variety of backgrounds and reflect a wide range of talents, abilities, learning styles and learning needs. A large number of our students are bused to school, as our Alternative program attendance boundary is large.

At Regina St. Alternative, we offer a 2-year full-day bilingual English/French kindergarten program, and grades 1-6 English with Core French classes.  We also have 2 Specialized Program classes for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Breakfast Club is offered to interested JK-6 students before school daily, with parental permission. This program is funded by monetary contributions from the Ottawa Network for Education Breakfast Program and generous partners.

Our Staff

We have 16 teachers, including a Learning Support Teacher and Learning Resource Teachers, Early Childhood Educators (ECEs), Educational Assistants (EAs), Office Administrators, Custodians, and Principal. Many teachers have additional qualifications in Special Education, as well as other areas of teaching expertise.

Our staff work as a team to provide a safe and caring learning environment for our students. Like all OCDSB schools, we have access to our central support staff, which includes a social worker, psychologist, speech pathologist, instructional coach and learning support consultants.

Our Community

At Regina St. Alternative School we like to boast that we have the best backyard in the city! Our school is uniquely located just south of Mud Lake, a wonderfully diverse NCC system of trails and wetlands. Our students regularly visit Mud Lake and they have made it an extension of our school. From Kindergarten to Grade 6, we place a strong focus on inquiry-based learning and environmental education. The goal for all of our students is to learn and gain a greater understanding of the environment and our connection to it.

We are a school community that truly sees itself as a family of learners. Part of our school community includes the REKSAP Early Learning Childcare Centre, which has been caring for children for over 30 years. They provide care for children as young as 1.5 years old, and many of our students attend for before and after school care. 

It is an honour to be part of such a welcoming school community!


Tara Wild, Principal